advanced trainings, public workshops

sponsored by Feldenkrais Japan


advanced trainings
public workshops

Katrin Smithback
Katrin Smithback

advanced training

Katrin Smithback

"Heads will Roll"

Jun. 3 to 7, Wed to Sun
venue: Kanagawa Science Park


"The importance of the head in action is paramount" Moshe Feldenkrais


This workshop will be focused on increasing the participants’ comfort in working with the head and neck in a variety of positions, including sitting. We will be clarifying the movements of the neck, C7 and the chest, exploring ways to work through the head and neck to influence the lower back and pelvis, and discovering how the position of the head affects standing, weight bearing and balance. Issues of self-use, including looking at the organization of our own head and neck while working, will also be addressed.



Location: Kanagawa Science Park

dates: Jun. 3 to 7, Wed to Sun, 2015
hours: 1st day / 11:00-18:00 2nd-4th day / 10:00-17:00 5th day / 10-16:30


five days attending 81,000Yen(w/tax:signing up before May 15)  86,400Yen (w/tax:after May 16)
four days attending 64,800 Yen (w/tax:signing up before May 15) 70,200 Yen (w/tax:after May 16)
participants from overseas : 20% off from above

To sign up, please use the singn-up form below, or call Feldenkrais Japan

tel:+81-3-3358-2725 fax:+81-3-3358-2764