advanced trainings, workshops

Following workshops and advanced trainings are sponsored by Feldenkrais Japan


advanced trainings

Stephanie Spink
Stephanie Spink

advance training

Stephanie Spink

"Exploring the large vertebrae at the base of the neck" Part 2

Aug 9 to 11,2013 Fri to Sun
venue: Kanagawa Science Park


The large vertebrae at the base of the neck are tightly inter - related with the upper ribs, thoracic vertebrae, the shoulder girdle and the efficient carriage of the neck and head.  Functionally this area is the least mobile in space and in relation to other parts of the body. The small relative movements possible here, are easily inhibited through the activity of musculature in this region, through our ideas of “correct” posture and in response to how we organize and use ourselves elsewhere.


In this Advanced Training we will continue and deepen our explorations of how we as practitioners can evoke freedom in this crucial junction between the neck and thorax, for ourselves and our clients. This region, Feldenkrais frequently described as “the large vertebrae at the base of the neck”. He thought this region was one of the most difficult to clarify in someone’s self image, being difficult to sense and hard to find movement there. In 2012 we began investigating this region through ATM and FI. Those of you who attended this advanced training will have some background that this workshop will build upon, although you do not need to have attended the previous workshop to attend this one.


Key aspects that will be focused on in this workshop:-

  • Explore the surface anatomy of the foot, ankle and lower leg
  • Clarify its structures , architecture and biomechanical possibilities
  • Explore the influence of how our whole body organization influences the use of our feet in action and discover the importance of the functional coupling of the feet with the entire body
  • Refine the relationships and coordination of the feet to the knees, hip joints, pelvis and spine.
  • Explore “Awareness through Movement” lessons that highlight significant relationships, actions and coordinative patterns underpinning the actions of the feet for balance, propulsion and adaptability.
  • Explore our self image focusing on our feet enhancing their natural flexibility, power, balance and efficiency in action.


Developing skill in working with and from C7/T1 region can help you and your clients improve:

  • Freedom and stability of the head to balance over the spine
  • Use of the shoulder girdle and arms
  • Functional connections between the head and the pelvis for a dynamic and responsive spine
  • Improved mobility of the thorax ( spine, ribs and sternum) and easier breathing



Location: Kanagawa Science Park

dates: Aug 9 to 11, Fri - Sun, 2013
hours: 1st day/11:00-17:30 2nd - 3rd day/10:00-16:30
cost: 45,000Yen(signing up before Jul 7) 50,000Yen (after Jul 8)
To sign up, please use the singn-up form below, or call Feldenkrais Japan
tel:+81-3-3358-2725 fax:+81-3-3358-2764


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