advanced trainings, public workshops

sponsored by Feldenkrais Japan


advanced trainings
public workshops

Stephanie Spink
Stephanie Spink

Stephanie Spink

Linking the “Power house and Periscope”
Exploring the internal connections between the pelvis, spine, head and face


May 16 to 18 (The - Sat)
venue: Kanagawa Science park イメージ


This is a three days advanced training to become more effective in FI. Because so many physical and functional problems are linked with poor connectivity and organization of the pelvis, spine, head and neck, it is important for Feldenkrais Practitioners to achieve a high level of competency and confidence in understanding and working with these areas.

Freedom of our head and neck is significant in influencing all the functions of our spine and pelvis, and vice versa. This freedom and connectivity is a fundamental influence on:-

  • The tonus of our whole body
  • Our ability to find and utilize optimal organization for skeletal support
  • The ability of the Teleceptors to move optimally
  • The capacity for our breathing to be free, easy and adaptable
  • Our ability to move with grace and ease

In this advanced training we will explore how we can work in FI to facilitate these capacities and connections including the use of: -

  • Specific techniques working with the vertebrae of the neck and spine, including the art of using compression
  • Working with the mouth, jaw and face
  • Constraints as a means to enhance neurological shifts for learning
  • Functional anatomy, imagery and embodied skeletal understanding


Location: Kanagawa Science Park イメージ

dates: May 16 - 18 (Thu-Sat) ,2019, three days
hours: 1st & 2nd day/10:00 – 17:00, 3rd day/10:00 - 16:30
participants:Feldenkrais practitioners, trainees in 3rd or 4th year


3days 65,000Yen, including tax (up to Apr.30: 56,000Yen)
2days 45,000Yen, including tax (up to Apr.30: 40,000Yen)

To sign up, please contact us using the form below, or call Feldenkrais Japan
tel:+81-3-3358-2725 fax:+81-3-3358-2764