advanced trainings, public workshops

sponsored by Feldenkrais Japan


advanced trainings
public workshops

Stephanie Spink
Stephanie Spink

introductory workshop for FPTP Tokyo4

Stephanie Spink

Skeletal Awareness: Embodied Wisdom
A Feldenkrais Perspective for Improving your life"


November 11 & 12(Sat&Sun)
venue: Kanagawa Science park イメージ


Do you ever feel heavy, sluggish, lacking in power or that it is an effort to move? If you do the chances are that your skeleton and nervous system are not functioning optimally.

Our skeletal structure is designed to counter the constant downward force of gravity; to transmit the weight of our body segments to the ground and movement through ourselves as we carry out our intentions in the world. However most of us do not understand the natural wisdom of our bodies or know the capacities we have inherent within us, that if discovered and explored can be the difference that makes a difference in the quality of our lives.

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais said that a healthy skeleton and nervous system are one’s that you don’t know are there. Feldenkrais understood that with a well-organized skeletal structure, we can nullify the effect of gravity, thereby creating a feeling of freedom and lightness in action. Unfortunately without skeletal awareness, which is rare except in elite athletes, most of us either live with or discover over time, an acute awareness of our susceptibility to the strains and stresses of life.

The transmission of movement through the skeleton is a key feature of the Feldenkrais Method®. In this workshop we will explore how we can clarify the use of our skeleton as a means to generate a sense of well being, balance, lightness and ease, restore and embody our natural wisdom….. Which is your birthright! In this workshop we will explore Awareness Through Movement® Lessons of immediate and practical use for improving your skeletal awareness and revealing your potential for embodied wisdom.


Location: Kanagawa Science Park イメージ

dates: November 11 & 12(Sat&Sun)  2017
hours: 1st day / 10:30 – 17:00,  2nd day 10:00 – 16:30


2days 30,000Yen+tax (up to Oct.15: 25,000Yen+tax)
1day 20,000Yen+tax (up to Oct.15: 17,000Yen+tax)
for participants from overseas, the fee is reduced 10%

To sign up, please contact us using the form below, or call Feldenkrais Japan

tel:+81-3-3358-2725 fax:+81-3-3358-2764


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